Friday, June 02, 2006

I miss Howard Stern

For almost 12 years I got up every morning and listening to Howard Stern. I recently realized there was something missing from my life, and then I realized that it had been a while since I heard any drunk porn stars on the radio. The world will never be the same. If only I could afford that damn XM Radio.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bluetooth headsets, bring back the pager!!!

I've decided that in a reaction to all those people who are now running around wearing those stupid blue tooth head sets, I am throwing away my cell phone, and will now only be reachable via a pager. That's right, I'm going old school. Seriously, if someone needs to reach me, page me and leave a message.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Harley Motorcycles and the Fat Guys Who Love Them

While I was stuck in traffic this weekend on the Jeresey Turnpike I saw numerous motorcycles pass by as they weeved in and out of traffic around me. I guess I have no problem with motorcycles. But what is the deal with fat guys and motorcycles? Every guy I saw ride by me on a Harley looked totally out of shape and had a huge gut. Did Cardiologist around the country start prescribing riding a motorcycle as a way to avoid angioplasty?